Food Safety and Quality Management Systems

Food Safety and Quality Management Systems

Canal Wharf, Ripon, North Yorkshire, HG4 1AQ [ Map ]

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Lee Bladon is an interim manager and technical consultant to the food industry, with a first class honours degree in food quality management, a PG cert in HACCP, well over a decade of experience and a proven track record in the food industry.

Lee offers a comprehensive range of services to all food manufacturing businesses in the North of England.

The range of technical services on offer include:

* Interim technical and quality management support.
* HACCP and quality systems design.
* Retailer specification writing.
* Project management.
* BRC, EFSIS, HACCP, ISO, TFMS, GFSI and FSSC consultancy.
* Staff training and development.

Lee is an experienced manager and food technologist. A hands-on manager with a pro-active, solution-focussed approach to quality and systems improvement. An expert in developing effective HACCP, BRC and EFSIS quality systems. Excellent knowledge of retailer specifications and associated websites and software, including: Aspect, TTL, Inspire, Enterprise, FIND, WRSpec and SKSPP.

Lee has worked for a diverse range of food manufacturers and has experience of many different food groups including: meat, seafood, ready meals, dairy, bakery, sauces and food ingredients. In the ready-to-eat, ambient, chilled and frozen sectors.

Clients include: Cumbrian Seafoods, Apetito, Grampian Country Foods (Vion), Rich Complements, Cavaghan & Gray (Northern Foods), R&R Ice Cream, Pro-Pak, Uniq Prepared Foods, Agentrics, RF Brookes, RWI Catering, Hazlewood Foods (Greencore), Merck, MH Foods, Avance Bakeries (Primebake), Manor Bakeries, Esso Petroleum and Ryvita.

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